Art Ed Resources

You might be the only art teacher at your school and you might feel alone with your thoughts , so I thought I'd share these so you know you're not the only art teacher feeling the way you do. These articles might seem a little bitter (especially the second article). I don't agree with all of them, but there are a lot on the list  that are spot on.  Remember, no job is perfect. We are the lucky ones that are doing what we love each day!  

This year I'll be attending the July  2020 K-12 ARTS INTEGRATION & STEAM ONLINE CONFERENCE. The cost is $129 USD and for an extra $50 you can receive 200 lessons for arts integration. I'm thankful for the math and science arts integration lessons already. I'm looking forward to the July workshops!

This is a helpful resource from the University of Art Education. If you don't know about this website yet and you're an art teacher, get on it! I noticed this is a common question on posts dedicated for art teachers. So far, two future teachers told me they were happy for this share.  

Artists, actors, filmmakers, architects, and choreographers are asked why art should be on the curriculum.  This might be a good video to show your students or a reminder to yourself and fellow educators. 

This remarkable resource offers over 270 illustrated lists to help you quickly find information about specific artists, art materials, art history, museums or disciplines 

In Dream Class, you will learn the 15 keys that make the greatest difference in the classroom. Written from the unique perspective that everything you do affects classroom management, each key will help you create the class you've always wanted: your dream class.

This is the first art history book that has made me giggle!  Yes, I have an appreciation for art history, but I tend to fall asleep while reading the many art history books that I've been required to read or have sought on my own. The author brings each artist to life by sharing some entertaining habits, quirks, and personal history of the artists that are quite entertaining and comical. These little moments keep you wanting to read more and awake through the pages of information. She also adds necessary art vocabulary for both teaching and testing. I really appreciate that the pronunciation of the artist's names is included.  I can really butcher those names like no other. As well, Carol Strickland includes several great female artists throughout history that typically go unmentioned. If you're taking the praxis art content test or subject area tests, this is probably your best friend for some brush-up. The book doesn't overwhelm you with information. It seems to tie up all the main points and events in art history for a fun read.